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Tuesday 18 August 2015

15: The drugs part two


A.K.A posh, sniff, charlie, Bolivian marching powder, coke and my favourite, wanker dust. This is basically speed but with the added effect that you feel like you have a twelve inch cock and you're as hard as nails. All the chattiness of speed, but with added ego and at up to five times the price. I went to the Eclipse reunion in Coventry a few years ago and my mate had got me a £15 apparently top pill. I hadn't taken a pill since my wedding day (4 actually..and they were crap, but that's another story) and was reluctant to neck it. When i walked in i went straight to the bar... and found a baggie with a couple of grams of sniff inside. I have to say i had a great night, thanks to that little find and didn't even touch the pill. Raving on coke? brilliant. sitting around a table in a pub with a few mates all trying to outdo each other with bullshit anecdotes is not so much fun.


The bad one. The 'morish' one. I have lost a few mates to this cunt of a drug. I used to think you were either gullible, arrogant or thick to try this, as everyone knows it's addictive.  Nobody ever said "oh that smackhead looks a mess, i think i will go for that look" but many get sucked into it's lure and find it very difficult to get out of the hole they find themselves in. A mate of mine served in the coldstream guards, done a tour of iraq in the first gulf war and had been mentioned in despatches. He came from a military background and was destined to serve for his majesty's army. The problem was that he was a tender soul, not really mentally strong enough for the horrors (and he showed me some iraq photos, very grim) that war subjected him to. He kept asking me to get him some smack, i obviously refused and told him often of the tales of woe i had seen happen to mates previously, but he didn't listen. he was found dead in his flat with a needle in his arm. Bad times.


Have you ever been hit around the head really hard, either a punch, errant football, or headbutted a tree? (i have, i came second) if so, you may know that feeling of nothing is real, reality slipping away as your brain tries to reboot. things appear in flashes, certain parts of your body won't respond in the way you need them to. That sort of thing. This was my first and only experience of ket. I assumed it was coke and sniffed as soon as it came my way, only afterwards being told what it was, and informed it was my set time now, get on with it. It didn't go well. For a start off, i couldn't physically turn left. I had to slope round like a hunchback butler called igor, leading some dashing hero to my masters destruction. My vision was limited to a strobe like effect. going on the decks was a massive challenge. Enough was enough, i came off the decks and tried to communicate with my fellow ravers, but my mouth had decided to slow down by a considerable amount. I would say if you like being properly spazzed out, incapable of anything other than being twatted then this is your drug of choice. I know only taking it once doesn't make me an expert, i never said i was. I do tend to waffle, but waffle is not what you get taking this stuff.


The drug of choice for Bob marley.

Oh, you want me to say more on it? Ok.

soapbar's cheap, and so are my clothes. They gotta because of all the fucking holes. 
It tastes like shit and it makes you cough but it's the fucking rubber in it that gets you off.
That was the Goldie lookin chain, from their song 'soap bar'. It hits the mark though, smoking any resin always involved everyone sitting forward with ashtray under the spliff, but eventually resorting to sitting back. This was the time of much anger and hilarity as one of your mates just hot rocked on his new Fila top. I didn't have a sofa without at least one rock hole till nearly 12 years ago. Then i moved onto the weed. This shit keeps getting stronger, but i honestly find it hard to slate weed. You don't want to eat? have a spliff, you soon will. do you want to act like a child and laugh at daft things? This is good for that. Music is thoroughly enjoyable, but that goes without saying. Downsides include concentration levels dropping. When i am stoned i love firing up my decks and pull out the best selections. The problem is that i can't get it on beat correctly. I will get it near enough then forget what i am doing and let the track wander way off pitch, to restart and follow this whole futile process again, till jamming in the tune and tweaking it as i go, or worst still, getting it on beat then imagining it has wandered, correct it then realise it hadn't. and i just clanged a mix. Anything creative is fun.

I think the only downside is the er..... that fucking thing i mentioned earlier. Hang on, i'm going to read it back.

Oh yeah. Short term memory.

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